Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years resolutions

Every year at the end of the year, I spend like a week trying to find out what my New years resolution is gonna be. It usually ends up being like: I will try to do more homework or something like that. That, i think is quite boring or not very original. So this year I have decided on something cool: Every time someone says Happy new year i hop up and down or I will listen mostly to classical music. Try something fun like that for a bit of an exciting change :) in the comment box I want you to write your own different New years resolution, or just your New years resolution for this year. The funkiest ones willl be honorable mentions :) Enjoy the last few days of 2010!


  1. Cool! This is my New Year resolution: When someone say the number 2011 or 2010 I will stay still for 1-5 minute(s). Or when someone say my last name I will say my name for 20 times. Cool pictures by the way. ;)

  2. My new year resolution is to try not to annoy you every time I see you Smiles.I will not be better at homework. I need to try to read more often in the holidays. Really cool picture ;)

  3. Hehehehe, that's very interesting Lina!
